Thursday, August 4, 2011

Recovering from a Long Run

I've been following the Run Less, Run Faster training program as I work my way through that book.  So far, the 3-days of running/2 days of cross-training program has been great for me.  No injuries, my mileage and strength are increasing, and I've been able to recuperate between runs.

I do my long runs on the weekend, early in the morning.  Its too hot for me if I leave much past 7 am.  I prefer to get out closer to 6.  This past weekend I did the longest distance I have done in decades -- a 7.5 miler.  I took it slow, did my jog/walk combo the whole way, and felt great.

That is, until the next day.  And the day after that.  And even the day after that.

Yesterday was the third day since my long run.  I did a stretch-and-strengthen class on Monday (its mostly deep stretching), and took a rest day on Tuesday.  Yesterday I went to do my RLRF novice training plan on the treadmill.  And I was ZONKED.  I was dragging the entire time.  My leg muscles were tired.  It was a crappy run.  I barely finished 4 miles, but I felt like I'd done 8.

The good part of having such a lame run 3 days later:  I learned that I'm going to have to alter my training program for the Half.  I've been making my own hybrid training program, using RLRF for my training runs during the week.  I'd been looking at Hal Higdon's half training program for my long run schedule.  Hal has you build up slowly, adding a mile each week to your long runs, with two step-backs (he encourages you to run a 5K race and a 10K race while training).  The first time he has you run 13 miles is at the race.

Well, that's not going to work for me.  I looked at Jeff Galloway's plan and now I understand its wisdom (at least for me).   Galloway only has you doing long runs on alternate weekends.  So one weekend you run 4 miles, then the next you do 9.  Then 4, then 11; etc.  The weekend before the race, you do your 4-mile run, and take two rest days before the actual race.

Based on how I feel this week, I know there is no way I could do another long run this weekend and not be hurting.  If there's one thing training for a Half has taught me, its the importance of giving yourself adequate time to recover. 

Are there any things you do to help speed your recovery from hard training sessions? 


  1. Recovery is definitely key...and you will learn what you can run through and what you can't. I've been taking miles off here and there depending on how Ifeel.
    Recovery for me-
    *ice and ice baths
    *Lots and lots of water
    *Recoverite shake
    *Foam roller
    *the Stick * i'll post this on my blog its another type of rolling device
    *stretching at night
    *sports massage
    *and sleep!

  2. I was going to suggest JG's plan but you already went there! Yay! It's awesome for easing into training. Are you eating enough? Drinking enough water? Those are two things that can get me.

    Thank you so much for the kind comment today. The blogging running community is awesome. Love inspiring and being inspired! I get really inspired by new runners! Great to hear from you. When's your race?!

  3. Thanks Annette! I just discovered the foam roller and I am in LOVE with it. Holy moly, it makes my legs feel like loose rubber bands after!

  4. Kerrie -- Thank you so much for stopping by! Eating enough is never a problem for me.... LOL. I think part of this is just that I'm a newbie building up distances and its kicking my butt. :)

    My race is September 24th... less than 8 weeks to go! Yipes! I get a little panic down my spine everytime I write that!

  5. I didn't know that about JG's plan. I'm going to check into that.

    I'm excited to continue to follow your progress!

    And I've noticed sleep and water are keys to recovery. I also LOVE my compression socks and sleeves!

  6. Thanks Candice! I definitely want to try some compression stuff... probably the full-leg running pants. I had to wear compression hose when I was pregnant so I know they really do help! LOL....

  7. Marie, I am going to forward you a link to active schwaggle...(its' like groupon) they have a big discount on the 110% harder products.

  8. Thank you so much for your sweet comment! Yay for signing up for your first half--a fabulous goal for sure!
    If you're still feeling beat, don't hesitate to back off of a hard workout or swap it until later in the week. Your body will acclimate and rise to the occasion but it takes time.
    Yes to everythg the others have said a far as recovery goes. Ice, rest, compression, etc are musts.
    Eat plenty of good food (antioxidants are key) and i swear by fish oil to boost the immune system as running hits it hard.
    All the best with your training!
